Thursday, November 9, 2017

Writing From the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Some people write because they want to. I write because I have to. Characters bombard me with their need to be heard. A storyline falls into place like a missile centering on its target. I have a file cabinet filled with articles, novels, stories, poems, and plays.   

I can't compare myself to Stephen King as a writer except that like him, I feel I am   "just a conduit through which characters reveal themselves, and do not know the ending to stories until they arrive.   From his Memoir 'On Writing'.

The Internet is filled with things I have written, hundreds lost in now closed writing web sites like Gather, Squidoo, and Bubblews.
I plan to someday take my favorites, publish them in print books and hope besides my family, they will be a lasting legacy

My various Blogs: - Click any to go to the Blog

Cruise and Tour Free

Life After Death

Wentzel, Goodwin Family

Published Ezine Articles

My Amazon books
Click any book to read inside the cover



  1. Only a smidgen of what I have written and posted over the years--lost many when writing websites closed.

  2. Great Mary. You write because the characters tell you from inside yourself. Keep writing, Mary.

    1. Thanks, Rose--been feeling very non creative the past few months. This shall pass maybe I'm going through a transitional time phase.Blessings ans be well.


Writing From the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Some people write because they want to. I write because I have to.  Characters bombard me with their need to be heard. A storylin...